Cyanotype is a contact printing technique, using UV rays, which requires a negative of the same size as the final image. This technique was developed by the English photographer and chemist, John Herschel between 1839 and 1842, a few years after the introduction of photography by William Fox Talbot in Great Britain and Louis Daguerre in France.
Also called "blueprint", due to the deep blue color that characterizes it, the Cyanotype owes its popularity to the simplicity and economy of its procedure. While the systems devised by Talbot and Daguerre exploit the photosensitivity of silver salts, the process developed by Herschel is based on some iron salts, namely Ferro Ammonium Citrate (green) and Potassium Ferricianide (Prussian red) These two salts, once mixed together, are very sensitive and react to sunlight. By placing a negative between ultraviolet light and a sheet of paper on which the ferric salt solution has been applied, some parts are hidden, and a photographic image is produced.
One of our artists uses it, along with many other techniques: painting and drawing, made of ink, acrylic and oil on paper.
She is Ana Camilo, artist of Collective 20, winner of our annual Challenge in 2020.
We follow Ana on social media, and her artistic project is truly remarkable.
Our project aims to make emerging artists known through the web.
Ana now boasts many group and personal exhibitions around the world.
We asked our staff to write a short text critical of Ana's artwork.
Analysis of Ana's work by NNC ART Gallery, London Project Curator.

On a rose dream Technique: Ink, acrylic, oil, and cyanotype on paper Dimensions: 100 x 65 cm
In a world invaded by images, Ana takes us back to the essentials. Her eyes on her works seem to rest and satiate themselves with color and signs.
She tells her world of hers, her experiences of hers, her personal diary made up of impressions that she transforms into a pleasant work that rekindles the eye for its compositional and aesthetic structure.
Hers is a work in progress that has been going on since she was 8 years old.
Why buy Anna's works?
Because you have multiple works on various subjects, an artistic production of research that continues to grow and change.
For the pleasure of having it hung on your walls to give beauty and peace to your eyes and your mind.
After all, this is art.
Why buy art? For investment, yes, but also to enjoy it.
Find Ana on our website at this link:
All her contacts are here:
On her Instagram account, we want to report this Cyanotype of hers
Thanks for your time
NNC London Project's Curators
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