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First introduced to computer programming  in the 1970's as a teenager in Australia,  he has maintained a fascination for number  and simulation ever since. An education  and career in architecture and design has  exposed him to 3d modelling and  visualisation since the 1980’s and has taken him from Australia to Europe where  he now lives and works in Oxfordshire in  the UK.

OrthoPlanes - Shards

OrthoPlanes is an algorithm created as a tool to explore and express humanity's tendency to flatten, straighten and create right angles when adapting the environment for settlement and habitation. The algorithm generates a matrix of orthogonal planes based on user-defined parameters. At the simplest level it will generate a stack of modular cubes, however by applying rules to govern the geometry of the faces of each module, two dimensional planes are generated and arranged in three-dimensional space to create orthogonal formations. In this architectural/urban formation, the planes are biased towards long rectangles and have been given a significant range within which to generate. The actual dimensions are randomly generated, however as they follow a mathematical framework, each module shares the same general characteristics. The formation has no mass or volume, as each plane has no thickness. They are simply surfaces with contradictory properties; transparent on one side, and opaque and reflective on the other. The blended colours in the scenes are from reflections of the virtual sky and the tinting of the transparent surfaces. The formation has been created within a deep space setting with backdrop imagery from the Hubble Space Telescope. Life-size human figures have then been placed as explorers of the formation. The figures have been arranged to appear to engage with their setting, encouraging the viewer to share the engagement and bring the abstract and the impossible into reality. Virtual photograph techniques have been used to capture scenes within the setting. Through the use of different lenses, exposures and lighting settings, views 'through the lens' have been rendered that aim to capture the most photogenic aspects and views discovered within. No post-production has been applied, the images are raw, high resolution renders.
There is also an element of studio and 3d model photography as there is the opportunity to experiment with lighting and textures and add props to complete the scene for the best artistic effect.
Super-long-lens abstract graphic compositions combine with immersive, detailed three-dimensional scenes to create a collection of 10 unique artworks. The process combines coding, artistic texturizing, virtual
lighting and photographic technique to explore and express our relationship with the orthogonal.

Artist Statement

I was inspired to embark on this project when I realised that the software I’ve been using in architecture and design had the potential to enable me to express art that has been inside me for many years.
The realisation came during the first Covid lockdown when I was commissioned to design virtual environments for a large, international annual conference that for the first time was forced to be completely
online. The output images were 2d, however the 3d modelling and rendering tools I routinely use for real buildings I could now use to create what in the real world would be impossible.
I then looked more closely into the digital art world and saw how this idea could be taken to another level with the addition of coding. So I learned the coding language that was capable of automating my modelling, and now instead of creating models using the standard tools with keyboard and mouse, I write scripts that generate complex models that could not be done any other way.
Using variable parameters allows me to experiment without limits which marked the beginning of my mantra: Experiment, explore, discover.
Once an environment is generated, I explore with the virtual camera and then discover art opportunities that continue to surprise me.
I have now created a number of algorithms that generate complex formations with immense flexibility.

© 2030 by No Name Collective V World

Cultural Art Project

started in London in 2017


Service for Artists : Virtual Gallery, Annual Challenge, Magazine, Virtual Exhibition, 

Virtual Art Fair, scouting.

All info :

Innovative collective art project operating in the UK and EU.

Objectives: Research on social networks, virtual galleries, and magazines. Examination of the use of fakes in art, exploration of emerging artists, artificial intelligence, relationships between the art of developed and developing countries, NFT and Crypto art, virtual reality, and support for artists worldwide.

Legal, marketing, and tax office: Operating in Europe. For inquiries, please contact

BORN IN LONDON IN 2016 | Established in Europe after Brexit.

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Business EU :  NNC VWORLD Gallery and Magazine, The Secret Room, 100PhotographyArtMag are special artist-managed projects by VW PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, MARKETING AND CONSULTING, EU from 2017, BUY Affordable art and LET BUY ART! are projects managed by VW PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, MARKETING AND CONSULTING From 2022

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