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100 Photography Art
ndBook Vol.3
Book Mag E-Book Free Mag online
edit by Vanessa Rusci

100PHOTO 3 2023 PDF PRINT.jpg

ISBN 9791221479744

Apollinariia Ilina

«Break. Step 2»

Dimitra Gounari is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sound and Image of the 
Ionian University in Greece, holds a Master of Arts in Image and Communication 
from Goldsmiths College-University of London U.K., with a scholarship from the 
Greek State Scholarship Foundation I.K.Y., and is a graduate of the Department of 
Photography of the Athens University of Applied Sciences, Greece. She has taught at 
the Department of Photography and Audiovisual Arts of the University of West 
Attica, the Visual Arts course at the IB Diploma and is an IB DP Visual Arts examiner. 
Her artistic work has received distinctions and awards from several institutions and 
competitions. She has exhibited in Greece, Belgium, Switzerland, the United 
Kingdom etc and been published in catalogs in the Greek and international press. 
Her work can be found in private and public collections.

Dimitra Gounari

“Composing Images” 2021-2023

Iranian multidisciplinary artist living in
Calgary, Alberta, from 2020
With a Master and Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design and 20 years of experience.
-Iranian Graphic Designer Society (IGDS) Member from 2008

She focuses on art production, painting, graphic design, photography, material installation and
Theatre. Artistic production and cultural promotion.

Hanieh Jalali

No title

2022, "Guide", GaleriARK, Istanbul
2019, "Hidden Details", Yunus Emre Institute, Budapest, Hungary
2019, "Hidden Details", Budapest Photo Festival, Budapest, Hungary
2018, "Are you awake?", Mixer Gallery, Istanbul
2018, "What You Seek is Seeking You", Vallette Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Biennial 
2018, "Yeditepe Biennial, About Istanbul", Group Exhibition, Istanbul
2017, "Connection", Group Exhibition, neighbour shows during Istanbul Biennial, curator: Denizhan Özer, Istanbul
2013, “7.Taschkent International Contemporary Art Biennale”, Taschkent, Uzbekistan, curator: Kamola Akilova
2022, "Disgraceful", Multidiciplinary Group Exhibition, Tilki Sanat, Izmir
2021, "Art Sunday", Charity Group Exhibition, Pg Art Gallery, Istanbul
2021, "Parody", Multidiciplinary Group Exhibition, Tilki Sanat, Izmir
2021, "Homo Sacer", Multidiciplinary Group Exhibition, Tilki Sanat, Izmir
2020, "Istanbul from Üsküdar & Üsküdar from Istanbul ",Group Exhibition, curator: Berrin Cakin Güc, Istanbul

Recent Hospitality Projects decorated with my artworks

2021, “Office Project”,Interior Space, Project Partner: Sanatgezgini, İzmir
2019, “Hilton Hotel”, Hospitality Project, Interior Space, Project Partner: Sanatgezgini, Istanbul
2017, “EMAAR”, Corporate, Project Partner: Mixer Gallery, Istanbul
2016, “DRD Rental”, Office, Interior Space, Project Partner: Sanatgezgini, Istanbul
2015, “DKY Construction”, Sample Apartments, Interior Space Project, Project Partner: Mixer Arts, Istanbul
2015, “DRD Rental”, Office, Interior Space, Project Partner: Sanatgezgini, Istanbul
2015, “ERAK Holding”, Showroom, Interior Space, Freelance, Istanbul
2015, “Uğur Balkuğ Textile”, Office, Interior Space, Project Partner: Sanatgezgini, Istanbul
2015, “Dr. Ender Saraç”, Home, Interior Space, Freelance, Istanbul

Işil Arisoy Kaya

Guidance Series

August 2009 – March 2014, Fotoakademie-Koeln (Photographic Diploma)
2023 Publication in „Turtle Magazin – Issue 4 - körperlich“
2022 Monochrome Awards 2022 - Portrait Professional Honorable Mention
2022 Art Exhibition at The Glasgow Gallery of Photography
2021 self-published photography art book „sechs tage“
2020 self-published photography art book „Cocoon“
2019 self-published photography art book „10 ONE“
2019 Publication in „Fotografische Bildgestaltung“ by Frank Dürrach
2014 Art Exhibition at Fotoakademie Koeln
2012 Publication in „Licht und Schatten“ by Oliver Rausch
2012 Publication in “PROFIFOTO – Issue 6/12”

Kathrin Kolbow


My passion for artistic practices has been a part of my nature. Expressing myself through dance, painting and singing, where almost daily practices. Since the age of 5 years, my family encourage me to express myself. Art was an important way of seeking insight beauty. Writing in those times, it was considered a dangerous artistic practice. During the civil war in Guatemala, my native country, writing about politics or social change where enough reisons to get you kill during these 30 years of repression (70s & 90s).
Photography came later although, around my 20s, I had my first child and his father bought a camera. But it was until I became 29 years, that I took deeper research around photography. After my divorce, I star taking acting courses in Switzerland. I met a lot of artists, and I was using the camera of one friend, they thought my pictures were showing a lot of sensitivity. So they encourage me to continue exploring.
And since I had to go back to Guatemala, I took my camera and start taking pictures from women around me, in the streets, selling their products, taking flowers to their love ones during celebrations, and many other folkloric traditions that are still alive thanks to the communities of women organizations in many villages around Guatemala.
This series of portraiture took me to exhibit my work for the first time in the National Palace of Culture and also in the Ixchel Museum of Indigenous Dress. (2014)

Maria José Majo

Director and psychodramatist, visual artist, in Rome he runs the Videotherapy and Psychodrama Training School, IPOD (Institute for Psychodrama in Dynamic Orientation) recognized by MIUR. He founded the PLAYS production house. He has worked for years as a lyrical critic for the AGL newspapers and as a film critic of the Festival del Cinema di Venezia for Rai Radiotre. Since 1973 he has been involved in various cultural tv shows and has also produced scientific documentaries on the history of psychology. Since 1993 (previously with Alessandro Cecchi Paone) he has been presenting a family production on television "Family Psychologist" (for three years on Raidue). In 2001 he conducted with Alfredo Antonaros 21 episodes of the "Pappafreud" program for RaiSat. He worked for years at the TG3 "Teatro e Psyche" tv section with Moreno Cerquetelli and Rosanna Cancellieri. For the Teatro Stabile di Torino, he created the series "Play the Dream, Film the Game" with Milena Vukotic, Alessandro Haber and Rosalia Maggio, and directed Pirandello's “Ciascuno a suo modo” as sociodrama. For Raitre, he makes two series of the first TV program on real public psychodrama: "Da Storia nasce Storia" (From a story a story is born) that aroused great criticism. The video-book of the same name is edited by Nuova Eri. With Tania di Martino he wrote for Rai Cinema the screenplay for a film by Nelo Risi "Diary of a Secret Symmetry" based on Aldo Carotenuto's book about Freud, Jung and Sabine Spielrein's story. He has produced thirty short films on psychoplay and socioplay by "The Game of the Clock" (prod CeIS, 1987) at "The Lead and the Gold of Forgiveness" on the Israeli Palestine Conflict (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), all on the Canal You Tube Ipodplays. He wrote and directed three docufilms: "Love Generations: Portrait of Fernanda Pivano" (produced by Plays and Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, 2001), "Fantasmi al Valle" with Leo Gullotta on the play by Ezio Donato on Pirandello and Moreno (Cinecittà Holding and Teatro Stabile di Catania, 2012) and a docufilm for television on life and work by Roberto Capucci, "La Moda Proibita" (60’) in collaboration with Jean Vigo Italia.

Ottavio Rosati

Living Assemblage

Rome, Italy (1982). Photographer and visual artist. Paola approached photography when she was a kid, learning to print in black and white with a rudimentary darkroom set up in her parents’ house. She was born and grew up in Rome from a Sicilian family. The connection to Sicily has always been quite strong, so her origins played an important role in her formation. This influence is reflected also in her works, especially in the lights and Baroque poses. She graduated in Political Sciences with the highest score at Rome University, but she soon understood that it was not her path, so she enrolled in the Photography Academy. It is in fact in this field that she can totally express herself and her artistic soul. 
She published her works on several websites and both on Italian and international photography and art magazines: Fotografia Moderna, Artonweb, Bagzine, F-Stop Magazine, Shots Magazine (Minnesota), ArtAbout Magazine, Photosophia, Spazio Art, Altro Spazio D’Arte, Racconto di Sicilia, Micro Arti Visive, Knack Magazine  (Chicago), Art Vibes, Zir Art Magazine ecc.
She collaborates with different portals and magazines, such as Latitudine X, Artisti del Mare, Il Pesce tra le Nuvole and she was added in the book "Essenza di un'isola", published by IO Donna. 
She participated with her works in many personal and collective exhibitions. She was added to the historical archive of the Folk Art and traditions museum of Rome. Furthermore, she is author of the blogs:


Shots Magazine, issue #143 - Spring 2019, paper magazine of Fine Art photography in Minnesota.

Knack Magazine issue #61, Chicago (USA) about contemporary photography.

F-Stop Magazine issue #106 – April/May 2021 The Self Portrait.

The Best selected Book vol. IV by Vanni Pandolfi with preface by Angelo Cucchetto.

Il corpo solitario. L’autoscatto nella fotografia contemporanea, vol. III, by Giorgio Bonomi, Rubbettino publisher.
Lo Specchio di Alice, The Dead Artists Society publisher, by Michele di Donato, 2022.


She won the "Conceptual Artist 2018" from webartexpo by Grifio Art Gallery.

She was a national finalist at the biennial festival MarteLive 2019 with her project “Cammeo” (“Cameo”) and she won the special prize of Csf Adams and the special prize MarteLabel in the same.

She was granted with Honorable Mention in Conceptual Category of MonoVisions Photography Awards 2020 for winning entry “Cameo”.

She was granted with Honorable Mention in Fine Art, Conceptual Category, of Neutral Density Photography Awards 2020 for winning entry “Paper Woman”.

She was granted with Honorable Mention in Conceptual Category of Chromatic Awards, International Color Photography Contest 2020.

She was a finalist at the Passepartout Photo Prize, Rome 2020.

She was a finalist at the Creative Photo Awards 2022 of Siena, in Conceptual Category.



•	Collective at MuVi Rome "Odissea nell'Arte" (Odyssey in Art) 7th edition, January 2019.

•	Personal "Nel grembo, acqua" (“In womb, water”) 14th – 31st July 2019, Cefalù (Pa), Italy.

•	Double personal "Parti di Invisibile" (“Parts of Invisible”) 28th September – 4th October 2019 at Mayday, P. Potenza Picena (Mc), Italy.

•	The project "Parti di Invisibile" (“Parts of Invisible”) arrived then in Rome, at Velli Palace Expo, for Cascina Farsetti Art of CFS Adams, 8th – 10th November 2019. 

•	International collective “About Future” by Loosenart, 6th December 2019 – 2nd January 2020, at Millepiani space, Rome, Italy. 

•	Collective “Il Mostro #14”, “The monster #14” at Tevere Art Gallery, 7th – 11th December 2019, Rome, Italy.

•	 International collective at  KromArt Gallery “L’ombra” “The shadow”, 13th December 2019 – 17th January 2020, Rome, Italy.


•	International collective exhibition by 1963 Gallery “Cluster Photography and Print”, 19th – 
23rd February 2020, Ugly Duck, London, United Kingdom. 

•	International photography exhibition by PH21 Gallery: “Imagination”, 4th – 27th June 2020, Budapest, Hungary. 

•	Participation to the exhibition project DIVO C, by Monica Cecchini of Incinque Open Art Monti, with the exhibition  at Otto Gallery, 10th – 24th September 2020, Roma.

•	Exhibition: “Punti di Vista” (Points of view), curated by Ilaria Di Giustili and Penelope Filacchione, at Art Sharing Gallery for WEFO, 26th September – 11th October 2020, Rome.

•	Participation to the art project Corviale Urban Lab with the exhibition at Mitreo Arte Contemporanea Gallery, 27th September - 4th October 2020, Rome.


•	International collective exhibition “Momentum” by The Holy Art Gallery, 13th - 21rd February 2021, London, United Kingdom.

•	“Kaos Antitesi del Silenzio. Forma, Spazio, Tempo” Collective exhibition curated by Kaos 48 and Superintendence of Arts and landscape of Salerno and Avellino, 25th September - 15th November 2021, Avellino.

•	Double personal exhibition “Tutto quel che resta”, 18th November – 8th December  2021, La Nica Gallery, Rome.

•	Personal exhibition curated by Luisa Briganti e collective exhibition curated  by Simona Ghizzoni at Prague Photo Festival, 23rd – 28th  November 2021, Prague, Czech Republic.

•	Collective exhibition by Kromart Expo: “L’autoritratto ai tempi del Coronavirus”, Velli Palace Expo, Rome 16th -19th December 2021.


•	Collective exhibition by Alchemy and Art, Dortmund, Germany, February 2022.

•	Double personal exhibition “Femminile Singolare”, April and May 2022, Otto Gallery, Rome.

•	Photographic exhibition Divo C, second edition, 28th – 30th April 2022, Incinque Open Art Monti, Rome.

•	Collective exhibition “Mirrors”, curated by Alberto Desirò of AD Gallery, 3rd – 11th September, Prato.

Paola Tornambè

A field. In May.
(Inspired by Caroline Branson by Mario Giacomelli, from Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters)

Rodrigo Illescas was born in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires in 1983. In 2010, he received the degree of Architect in the University of Palermo. In 2013, he received the degree of Professional Photographer in the School of Creative Photography of Andy Goldstein. He published books of poetry, "Also everything", editorial Vinciguerra, in 2007; "Razia", editorial Mono Armado in 2014. Currently, he is professor at the University of Buenos Aires and teaching in the School of Creative Photography and Aloha Photo School. Furthermore, he works as photographer for various media and business.

Tokyo Photo Exhibition, Fujifilm Square, November 2022
Osaka Photo Exhibition, Fujifilm Osaka Gallery, December 2022
Municipal auditorium de Vila do Conde, Portugal
Landskrona Foto Festival, Scandinavia
National Salon of Visual Art Award 2021
Provincial Salon of Visual Art Award 2021
National Fund for Visual Arts Award 2020
Museum of Cultural History in Osnabrück, Alemania
 Museo de Arte Contemporanea de Roma, XIV edición del Festival Internazionale di Roma, 2015
Are you there?, Somerset House, London, 2015
Are you there?, PhotoDays Festival, Croatia, 2015
Are you there?, Gallery "Iliya Beshkov", Pleven, Bulgaria, 2015
Museum of the University of Alicante, MUA, Alicante, Spain, 2015
Galería EFTI, Madrid, Spain, 2015
Luminaria, Usera, Madrid, Spain, 2015
Photogalety National University of Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina, 2015
Are you there?, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Roma, Italy 2014
Are you there?, Festival Promenades of Vendome, France 2014
Are you there?, Tatent Latent, International Festival of Tarragona, Spain 2014
Are you there?, Contemporary Art Museum of Mar del Plata, Bs. As., Argentina, 2014
Museum of Bellas Artes “Benito Quinquela Martín”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014
Museum Provincial de Bellas Artes “Timoteo Navarro”, Tucumán, 2014
University of Belgrano, Night of Museums, Bs. As., Argentina 2014
Contact Photo Fest, La Plata, Argentina, 2014
Are you there?, Projection, Museum Villa Victoria Ocampo, collective photographic exhibition 
in audiovisual media, Bs. As., Argentina, 2014
Awards and Grants
Global Fujifilm GFX Challenge Award 2021, Japan-USA
1st Prize, Best Portfolio, Transversalidades Award 2021
Honorable mention, Salón Provincial of Visual Art Award 2021
Honorable mention, Salón Nacional of Visual Art Award 2021
Photography" along with Giorgio di Monte Tretto Malfatti, 
Secretary General IILA, Torcuato Di Tella, Ambassador of Argentina in Italy in the Italo Latin 
American Institute, Rome, Italy.
Works in collection
Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb
National University of Villa María, Córdoba
Private Collections London
Private Collections Madrid, Spain
Andorra Private Collections

Rodrigo Illescas

Las catedrales de la nostalgia

Born in 1971 in Viet Nam
Living in Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Cultural Bachelor degree in 1996. 
Trained by famous photographer as James Natchwey, Gary Knight, Tim Page, Steve Northup, Gaby Sommer…in workshop of IMMF (Indochinal Memory Media Found). Currenly work as special reporter for Lao Động newspaper (one of the biggest newspaper  in Viet Nam).
He was personally interviewed by Actur Photo Magazine, Private Photo Review (France), Talent House (US), (Bulgaria) and being featured in almost 450 Vietnamese newspaper articles and the object of many interviews on Vietnamese cultural and arts programmes on Vietnamese television.

10 Solo exhibitions

2017: “My mum” at Photometria- Ioanina- Grecee.
2014: “12 Generals at peacetime” (Part two) at 29 Hang Bai, Hanoi,VN
2011: “Interruption and Connection” at 45 Trang Tien, Hanoi,VN
2010: “Hanoi, quiet and sound” at 36 Dien Bien Phu, Hanoi,VN 
2009:“Generals at time of peace” at Hanoi, VN
2008: “Sun’ color” in Japan Cultural Center, Hanoi, VN.
          “Dharma and Life” (Part II) at   Festival Hue 2008
2007:  “To be or not To be “at Korean Cultural Center, Hanoi,VN
2006: “Dharma and Life” (p1) at Hanoi, VN
2005:  “Two hours, One day” at Goethe Institutes, Hanoi,VN. 

8 Book and publication published 
2022: Vietnamese Cinema - The way to the great sea (Essay-criticism)
2019: Vietnamese Cinema - All rivers flowing (Essay-criticism)
2017: “Photography and Creation”- (Essay- Criticism).
2016: “My mother”( Photo book). 
2007: “Speak myself to escape from the lonely” (interview and essay)                       
“Dharma and Life” (Photo book) 
2006:”Vietnam photographs- Discover and Integration” (essay)
2005: “The meeting at the afternoon Saturday” (essay)

Besides, his pictures were published in many book & magazines as Peace Book Vol.1 (London, England), Mythography Vol.1,2, Urban Unveil Vol.1, 2, 3, 4 (Italia), International Portrait Photographer of the year (Australia). Journal (US), Photo (France), Silvershotz (Australia), Dodho (Spain), Getinspired (Neitherland), F-Stop (US), “No name Collective Art Magazine” (UK), etc. And several images were featured in Saatchi collection as Contemporary Photography, Faces, etc. 

Group Exhibitions 

Exhibition at Central World (Thailand) and Hongkong –“Changing Asia: New Normal”. 
Exhibition at Kapralos museum (Greece) during Photo Polis Agrinio Photo Festival.
CEFF environmental photo exhibition in Colorado (USA).
Digital Exhibition in Vienna (Austria)-World Master Photography Awards.
Exhibition at Central Station Square in London (UK) - Travel Photographer of the Year.
Exhibition at Museo de Competa (Spain)- Compta Photo Days.
Photo exhibition “Mythology” in Trieste, Italy.

“Spiritual Awakening”- Pepney Gallery (Ireland)
10th Pink Lady Food Photographer of the year –Bristol (UK). 
Virtual Nude Show (Nepal)
“Effect Conceptual”- More Art Please gallery (Rumania) 
3rd Polyphony International Photo Festival (West Bengal, India)
Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year- Mall Galleries (London, UK).
Eyewin Awards 2019- Photo & Video Asia- Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India 
Fremantle International Portrait Prize- The Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery-Australia.
Slide show the The Affordable Art Fair (Metropolitan Pavilion, New York, US)
“I have a dream”- Photometria (Greece).
Finalist of photo contest in Ariano Film Festival  (Italia)
32 edition Salon Photo Riedisheim (France). 
6th Chang Fine Art Photo contest- in Art and Culturel Center (Bangkok,Thailand)
“Memories”- Loosen Art Gallery in Rome, Italia.
Project slide show “Portrait”- Headon Photo Festival (Sydney-Australia)
Urban Photography Awards (Triester Day Festival -Italia).
Residen of Vermont Studio Center (US)
Finalist of photo contest in Ariano Film Festival  (Italia)
1st Chania International Photo Festival in Chania (Greece). 
“Capture moment”- top 26- Galleri Norrsken- Stockholm,Sweeden
Winner of Urban Photography Awards – Triester Day Festival (Italia).
Slide show Tokyo Foto awards – Tokyo (Japan).
Grand Exhibition at AIFACS, New Delhi, Indiia
5th Chang Fine Art photo contest- Bangkok (Thailand)
16th China Internatinal photographic Art exhibition.
Khayam International Exhibition of Photography (Iran).
Photometria  Festival “Home” – Athen and others cities in Greece.
“Fifth Exposure Annual Awards” at Louver Museum, Paris, France (digital) 
Photo Annual Awards at Wall Gallery in Teplice Spa (Czech)
“Viewpoint” (Photographic Angle, UK) at London, Bristol (UK)
Project Mulafoco awards contest- Montevideo (Urugoay)
Photo Annual Awards at Wall Gallery in Teplice Spa (Czech)
“Story of Creative” at See Me's Long Island City gallery- New York (US).
Photo Annual Awards at Wall Gallery in Teplice Spa (Czech)
“New Color” at Blackbox Gallery (Oregon, US)
“Love” at Darkroom Gallery (Vermont, US)
Photo Annual Award- Prague (Czech Republic)
Slideshow - Soho Theater (London, UK)
Art of photography Show in San Diego (US)
3rd Singapore International Photography Festival at National Museum (Singapore) 
Post Singapore (People on Street & Travel) at Singapore. 
“Tuk Tuk” Singapore 2012 
Fine art and documentary Biennal exhibition at Borges Cultural Center (Buenos Aires, Argentina) held by Worldwide Gala Photography Awards (UK)
“Click it-open” at Loughboroughtownhall (UK)
Wira Foto contest in Kualua Lumpua (Malaysia)
Exhibiton (Digital Display) at Soho Theater (London,UK) 
Exhibiton (Digital Display) at Soho Theater (London,UK) 
Three day, Three artists in L’espace – Hanoi (role: curator and artist attended photograph exhibition and installation) 
“The April Talking” in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh city (VN)

Recent Awards and honors:
Won over 100 international photo prizes such as Px3, Master Cup, Worldwide Photography Gala Awards, ASISA Foto, Urban Photo Awards, MIFA, ND Awards, Art of Photography Show, TIFA, IPA, Enviromental Photographer of the Year, Pink Lady Food Photographer of the year, Travel Photographer of the year… Shortlist of LICC, HIPA, American Photography Open, Donkey Art Prize, Siena…
Many works published in magazines such as Mythography Book , Peace Book Wink, Lenscratch, Silvershotz, F-Stop Magazine, Journal, Art Photo, Dodho, 43mm, Eros,, Get Inspired, Photo… And several images were featured in Saatchi collection as Contemporary Photography, Faces...
Featured in almost 400 Vietnamese newspaper articles and the object of many interviews on Vietnamese cultural and arts programmes on Vietnamese television.

Silver kite of Vietnam Film Association for Critical Theory Research.
The first prize for environmental photography in the US (International Environmental Photography Contest (CEFF)
The first prize and 1 second prize for world travel photography in the UK (Travel Photographer of the year).
Five medals (3 silver, 2 bronze) in Australia (Better Photography Magazine).
Platinum Medal at the European Photography Awards - Mute.Word (USA).
2 Silver Award New York Photo Awards (US).
Third Prize in EPEX Photo Contest (Austria)
The first prize of the photo book project "Myths part 2" of Italy (Exhibion Around).
Top 6 best photo projects at Photopolis Agrinio Photo Festival (Greece)
Honors degree from World Master Photography Awards (Austria).
Nature Conservancy Photo Contest Finalist (USA)
Finalist of street photography competition - Lugano Award (Switzerland).
Finalist London International Creative Competion (LICC, UK).
Finals of Siena (Italy).
Finalist of All About Photo Awards (USA).
Finalist of Travel- Lugano (Swithzeland). 
Finalist of IPC Imago (Italia). 
1st prize Pink Lady Food Photographer of the year (Street Food category).
Honorable mention of Grantourdellecolline (Italia).
Finalist of Kolga Tbilisi Photo (Gruzia)

3 Gold Medal- Bugis Photo Cup (Malaysia).
Silver Medal Asisa Foto (Malaga, Spain)
2 Bronze Medal PX3, Paris (France).
Honorable Mention ND Awards (UK)
Honorable Mention IPA (USA)
Honorable Mention MIFA (Rusia)
2 Honorable Mention- Viena Photo Awards (Austria).
Shortlist Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year (UK)
3 Nominated Master Cup (Los Angeles, USA).
Finalist of Siena photo contest (Italia).
Shortlist of American Photography Open (US).
Finalist of Creative Awards (Italia)
1st prize, 2nd prize and two Honorable Mention of (India). 
Finalist of HIPA (UAE)
Bronze Star Awards- 3rd place in ND awards (US). 
Gold Medal  in Travel Category and 5 Honorable Mentions in various categories in Eyewin Photography Awards (India)
3 Silver Medal in Better Photography Magazine (Australia)
Silver Kite Award for film critic works- Vietnam Film Association (VN)
3rd prize Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year (UK).
3rd prize National press photo award (VN)
5th prize 32 edition Salon Photo Riedisheim (France). 
Honorable Mention (People)- International Color Awards (US).
Honorable Mention (Deeper Perspetive)- IPA (US)
Diploma- A Photoreporter (Spain)
4 Finalist of Urban Phototgarphy Awards (Italia). 
Finalist of  Simultanei-FP Magazine (Spain)
Finalist of Wow photography awards (UK). 
Finalist of 35 awards 2018
Finalist of Siena Photo contest (Italia)
Finalist of Ciwem (UK)
Finalist of Fremantle International Portrait Prize (Australia)
Top 25 seclected for “I have a dream”- Photometria (Grecce)


My mum

© 2030 by No Name Collective V World

Cultural Art Project

started in London in 2017


Service for Artists : Virtual Gallery, Annual Challenge, Magazine, Virtual Exhibition, 

Virtual Art Fair, scouting.

All info :

Innovative collective art project operating in the UK and EU.

Objectives: Research on social networks, virtual galleries, and magazines. Examination of the use of fakes in art, exploration of emerging artists, artificial intelligence, relationships between the art of developed and developing countries, NFT and Crypto art, virtual reality, and support for artists worldwide.

Legal, marketing, and tax office: Operating in Europe. For inquiries, please contact

BORN IN LONDON IN 2016 | Established in Europe after Brexit.

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