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Marwa Khamis


"I am Marwa Khamis an Emerging Egyptian Artist. I hold a BA in Fine Art.
My practice is painting.
My paintings and drawings have appeared in a lot of National exhibitions and online International exhibitions; France, Spain, in several Indian Artist Groups.
My artworks are featured on Magazines and newspaper globally and in Google Books as an Art Exhibit, and receiving great reviews, lately in the last exhibitions, I have sold several paintings, got honoured and awards."

Special Project

"The Art for me is not just an image, but an idea summed up by design. I found in
Abstraction, Surrealism and Cubism to be useful in the rearranging of received
ideas. It does not suppose to be political and social ideas. The artist must be free
and independent in order to create a true work of art."

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Special Project

I got fascinated by geometric abstraction. I am making the ideas beyond the
canvas and our physical reality and summed it up by designs to be extremely
meaningful and to derive to mind and emotion.
I affected by suprematism and constructivism art movement, I combine both
movements concepts and want to take one step further and create on a new
design form and using original ideal shapes, their lines and straights that rely
on unconscious and imagination to repurpose them into cohesive piece that
tells a story on its own. It is open to interpretation depend on the viewer's see
the painting.

© 2030 by No Name Collective V World

Cultural Art Project

started in London in 2017


Service for Artists : Virtual Gallery, Annual Challenge, Magazine, Virtual Exhibition, 

Virtual Art Fair, scouting.

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Innovative collective art project operating in the UK and EU.

Objectives: Research on social networks, virtual galleries, and magazines. Examination of the use of fakes in art, exploration of emerging artists, artificial intelligence, relationships between the art of developed and developing countries, NFT and Crypto art, virtual reality, and support for artists worldwide.

Legal, marketing, and tax office: Operating in Europe. For inquiries, please contact

BORN IN LONDON IN 2016 | Established in Europe after Brexit.

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Business EU :  NNC VWORLD Gallery and Magazine, The Secret Room, 100PhotographyArtMag are special artist-managed projects by VW PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, MARKETING AND CONSULTING, EU from 2017, BUY Affordable art and LET BUY ART! are projects managed by VW PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, MARKETING AND CONSULTING From 2022

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