Hio Rain
Hio Rain was born in 1995, at the age of 21, in Florence.
He was born from the relationship between architecture and all those expressions that participate in the education of an architect and infuence the creation of an architecture.
Hio Rain is an invented name, an alternative personality, a rhetorical figure, an untied knot, a refection.
His research, mediated by illustration, painting, sculpture, photography, writing, slips through and revolves around the idea of balance. Balance sought and not created.
His compositions spring from the confrontation between weights and forms, between fears and certainties.
"[...] This thing about weights obsesses me: in architectural composition, tracing matrix lines, in the marks left on paper, clean or dirty.
And I am fully aware of my obsessive condition.
And I am fully aware that, very often, I toot my own horn.
But this is what I do: I seek balances.
Hio Rain lives and works in Orbetello, in Tuscany
OXYMORON: Sometimes you have moments as inevitable as surprising and comfortable:
you are prepared for the arrival of the storm, and in any case it will put you in the mood.
And it is precisely at the moment in which you realize serenity in the contrasting reaction
with the prediction of your behaviour that you experience, an oxymoron.
It's not really a balance. Or perhaps calling it balance is not exactly correct. But that's how
you feel: in balance. "
The Oxymorons (from the Greek ὀξύμωρον, composed of ὀξύς, "acute" and μωρός, "obtuse")
are a compositional work searching for substantial balances in apparent paradoxes: the
attempt to put elements of different mass, consistency, body into harmonic
communication, intensity, shape, colour, …, sound.
Ossimori 217,
watercolor and pencil on paper,
cm 25 x 35
Ossimori 216,
watercolor and pencil on paper,
cm 25 x 35