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Davide Mandolini


No Title

This series was taken in Sicily,
The subjects are love, freedom and sun.
I feel a sense of holiness when I shoot in that region of Italy, everything is so charged with
emotions and power.
Beautiful nature in contrast with a strong architecture, the incredible food and the big families
sharing their most precious moments.
I’m there observing, taking quick photographs to connect my self with that moment even more.
I’m here now and still I can remember that moments clearly in my mind.

Artist Statement

I’m fascinated by what for the most might be called “simple” or “basic” or event better by what
we are used to see in the everyday life.
Is there where I can see the reason why we live here and now.
I see the beauty through ephemeral moments.
To represent this feelings that I have I chose to shoot with a compact analogue camera loaded
with a black and white film.
I’m a huge fun of colors but sometimes they detached me to much from what I would like to


Davide Mandolini is a 27 years old photographer originally from Tuscany but he’s currently
living in Milan where he works as a freelance.
He studied photojournalism in Florence at Fondazione Studio Marangoni with Terra Project
His work has been exhibited in many art galleries such as Numeroventi in Florence,
collective exhibitions Photolux festival and Dintorni Urbani exhibition at “Le Murate” in
Florence and published in international magazines like Broad Magazine, C41 etc..
He was selected by DlaRepubblica as a “young photographer you should know”.
With his work about Morocco on the road in Black and white he won his category at Tokyo
International Photo Awards.
In 2017 after a long travel in Taiwan he published his first fanzine named “Oysterland”
about the Oysters fields and production around the formosa island.
People and the unexpected beauty of daily life beauty are his main subjects.
Recently Davide has focused his work on two long term projects, “Covered” and “Estate
Italiana” and one short project about his grandma’s life during covid quarantine in Italy.
In Milano he collaborate with magazine such as Elle Italia, Esquire Magazine,
Cosmopolitan etc..

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