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La Chigi


Winner Challenge 2020


La Chigi 

Born in Bassano del Grappa (VI), she lives and works in Trento (Italy). She holds a degree Modern Literature with a major in history or arts and she has a training in art  education through an internship at the MART (Contemporary and Modern Art Museum of Trento  and Rovereto) as part of the course of Psychopedagogy of language and communication. She also deals with writing short stories. She won a national competition and her works have been  published for the "Malatempora" editions. Her interest in contemporary art dates back to her university studies when she developed a research on the individual and their "masks" in the relationship with themselves and the others.  After experiences in art criticism and journalism, her new works explore in depth the house and its  relationships with and among its inhabitants using unconventional and out-of-scale materials, assembled in such a way as to give life to surreal scenarios both light and thoughtful at the same  time.  In her ready-made installations and objects, humans inhabit the narrow space of the house-box  with dreamy naturalness, but perhaps not everything is as it seems.  Her works have been exhibited in collective and personal exhibitions in public and private spaces  in Italy (Bassano del Grappa, San Giacomo, Trento, Pergine and Borgo Valsugana). She has collaborated with the Galleria Civica of Trento for the artistic-scientific project "Superbinario" of "Superflex".  Her works are part of public and private collections in Italy.  Since 2020 the artist is presented by Galleria Contempo.

Special Project

As an emigrant, I’ve always had a good relationship my houses. Indeed, more with the houses than with the places outside them. The house, for me, is a place to refuge but also a place to dwell, immersed in beautiful idleness between readings and visions, in the affection and softness of cats. It is the place of interiority in which to stay, immersed in beautiful things that generate emotions and nourish the eyes and the heart. A place from where to go out for work and pleasure, to immerse myself in other places not only physically but, above all, mental and spiritual. However, not for everyone the house has this significance. It is often a dormitory, a place of transit instead of staying, almost a non-place. A prison and not a welcoming den. Modern houses are small, designed for restricted small family units and loneliness. The quarantine has closed doors, ports, borders. The house has become a safe place, an impregnable fortress not from the outside but from the inside. The streets have suddenly become deserted and silent. People were no longer there. Every now and then you could catch a glimpse of some fleeting silhouette behind some window. What were they doing in there every day? How were they? Who were they? What did they want? The three photographs refer to three different installations with ready-mades and objects from the series "Janas", which consists of 90 works, entirely conceived and realized during the quarantine period in an attempt to repopulate the world suddenly made deserted by the arrival of the virus.  The cans of fish have therefore become dwellings, closed and at the same time open to the eyes of observers as new windows on a world of possibilities, where the characters with the help of objects not only act out scenes but they are objective correlatives of feelings, emotions and expectations matured during the quarantine made necessary by the pandemic.

© 2030 by No Name Collective V World

Cultural Art Project

started in London in 2017


Service for Artists : Virtual Gallery, Annual Challenge, Magazine, Virtual Exhibition, 

Virtual Art Fair, scouting.

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Innovative collective art project operating in the UK and EU.

Objectives: Research on social networks, virtual galleries, and magazines. Examination of the use of fakes in art, exploration of emerging artists, artificial intelligence, relationships between the art of developed and developing countries, NFT and Crypto art, virtual reality, and support for artists worldwide.

Legal, marketing, and tax office: Operating in Europe. For inquiries, please contact

BORN IN LONDON IN 2016 | Established in Europe after Brexit.

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Business EU :  NNC VWORLD Gallery and Magazine, The Secret Room, 100PhotographyArtMag are special artist-managed projects by VW PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, MARKETING AND CONSULTING, EU from 2017, BUY Affordable art and LET BUY ART! are projects managed by VW PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, MARKETING AND CONSULTING From 2022

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