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virtual "interactive" exhibition and virtual affordable art fair
Our big news!!!

self application

NEWS: New dates for the exhibition:

Due to new technologies and setup timelines, we have changed the dates for participation.

The gallery reserves the right to change the exhibition dates based on the number of received artworks.

Call for Artists. In our effort to promote emerging artists and discover new talents, and to give them maximum visibility, we are organizing an online virtual exhibition in June 2024, precisely from July 15th to July 31st.

We will select 30 artists who will exhibit alongside some of our artists.

Each artist will present 3 artworks, which will also be featured in our Virtual affordable art fair, where the artworks can be sold online from 15th to July 31st, 2024.

This event will coincide with important contemporary art events in London.

A printed and online exhibition catalog will be created.

For this new experience, there is an organizational fee required.

  • For the first time, the deadline is 7 March 2024 the fee is 30 Euros, as an encouragement for all artists.

  • The second time deadline is 7 May 2024 and it is 40 Euros.

  • For the last month, the deadline is 7 June 2024 which is 60 Euros.


Only 30 artists will be selected.

Each artist will exhibit 3 artworks.


Deadline 7 June  2024, 23.59 England

Virtual exhibition and virtual affordable art fair


Please take care of your application carefully, applications with low-definition images that cannot be printed on an A4 sheet will be rejected, upload one horizontal photo

A4 + A4) and two vertical or three horizontal.

Do not send photographed text files,

we will cancel your application and your fee will not be refunded.

Your links must be complete and start with Https//:

Don't boycott your candidacy!

In case of selection, artists will receive a communication with all the rules of the online art fair.


Clarifications: the price you indicate must be exclusive of packaging and shipping costs. Sales will occur directly between the artist and the collector, who will be responsible for packaging and shipping.

The images of the artworks sent to become part of the NNC GALLERY V WORLD ARCHIVE, which will be able to publish them on its own channels and in its own magazine and catalogs or on other media at any time and free of charge, without asking or having to ask the artist who owns the copyright.

By applying, the author gives his consent to the free use of images and texts to NNC GALLERY V WORLD ARCHIVE, the copyright remains entirely with the author of the works.

To cancel your works and texts sent, write to

Paid fees are never refundable.
NNC VWORLD through its partners sells services for artists, and the fees are to be considered fees for artistic consultancy.

Caution! In the event the server returns the error "File exceeds file size limit," know that it is not a real issue; simply use incognito mode, and we recommend using Google. Alternatively, clear your cookies, then reload the page and try again. The third-party application may, in some cases and with certain browsers, encounter issues with cookie management, leading to submission blockage.


No  Name Collective Art  Gallery  London on 20-4-23 at 13.31.png
No  Name Collective Art  Gallery  London on 20-4-23 at 13.28 (1).png

For video artists

Insert three images of the videos and their respective links.
The three images linked to a QR code will be printed on the paper magazine.
Links to the videos will be included in the online magazine.
Applications with broken links will be discarded.
In case of selection, the images will be printed on the paper magazine with the QR code and the links sent will be inserted in the online magazine.

Our payments are made through Stripe and are guaranteed against scams.
For info, write to

To avoid SPAM and ensure you don't miss our communications,

it's crucial that after applying, you add this address to your safe contacts:

No  Name Collective Art  Gallery  London on 20-4-23 at 13.28.png

Pay attention, no fee can be requested by external partners in the name of

NNC gallery London project V World Europe.

© 2030 by No Name Collective V World

Cultural Art Project

started in London in 2017


Service for Artists : Virtual Gallery, Annual Challenge, Magazine, Virtual Exhibition, 

Virtual Art Fair, scouting.

All info :

Innovative collective art project operating in the UK and EU.

Objectives: Research on social networks, virtual galleries, and magazines. Examination of the use of fakes in art, exploration of emerging artists, artificial intelligence, relationships between the art of developed and developing countries, NFT and Crypto art, virtual reality, and support for artists worldwide.

Legal, marketing, and tax office: Operating in Europe. For inquiries, please contact

BORN IN LONDON IN 2016 | Established in Europe after Brexit.

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Request our Business Plan

Financial Backer

Business EU :  NNC VWORLD Gallery and Magazine, The Secret Room, 100PhotographyArtMag are special artist-managed projects by VW PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, MARKETING AND CONSULTING, EU from 2017, BUY Affordable art and LET BUY ART! are projects managed by VW PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, MARKETING AND CONSULTING From 2022

For any info, write to

Are you an art gallery, a curator, a collector and want to receive our magazine for free?

Sign up here:

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