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Johannes Steininger

Johannes Steininger was born 1977 in Austria I Linz.    currently lives and works in LINZ.


As a new generation of Austrian sound artist, johannes_steininger_m.a._m_a_

uses and manipulates the air in his inflatableART_works.


"My artistic production seems to follow a different trajectory compared to another sound/sculptors who work with traditional art materials.  When we look back to my academic history, I had massive aesthetic requirements impacts in the fields of “acoustic and soundscape community” when I studied on the University of Art in Berlin and with a second focus on the University of Art and Design in Linz, Institute: space&designstrategies. My professional direction to both studies includes my ongoing interests Fields of crossover knowledge in resonance_acoustics and implementation- in architecture oriented soundscape_tasks.


The predominant aim was the perception of a spatial whole in which every architectural Soundscape can be optimized in an acoustical treatment way. My elastic soft wall_object’s are composed to absorb energy from an external sound wave oscillating at the natural resonance frequencies of the inflatable object. The result is a low-pressure wall_sculpture based on the sound_resonance currents of the Medium AIR that activate the pieces as they are attached to their natural resonance frequencies.


The “Zero vibration called anti_nodal alternating nodal l lines” is an expressive statement from the Artist, to develop is works with lightness and flexibility versus heaviness and rigidity. The Illusion of soft_hard surface suggests the concept of softness to a unique quality of vibration and resonance. They Pneumatic forms are in the context of the avant-garde Art Movement in the twentieth century called: ZERO in Europe, with a focus on Air_ Energy. The basic artistic._research between Soft Sculpture Art Forms and technology, was to elaborate with new results and experience in the acoustical analytical system of inflatable forms. The inflatableART_works / inflatableART_objects are in a perfect physical and spherical shape. Based on the sound_patterns produced by Ernst Chladni plates(1756-1827). The creation of variously shaped inflatable bas-reliefs panels, with a soft consistency, like the “Bulk OUT” convex geometries, is the effect of the combination of elastic material layers/ sheets (germ. Schichtungen) and AIR. They are treated in several Layers as two-dimensional surfaces, but the result with air-supported structure is a multi-relief dimension with qualities unique to the vibration and resonance method.


No ywobbInkL 06.10

Material : Vinyl, Tempera, AIR, Vinyl Paint on Vinyl

The artwork is available for sale




No. gcwbbL17.07


cm. 41 (H) °— 31 (W) °— 4,5 (D) ° 
Material : Vinyl, Tempera, AIR, Vinyl Paint on Vinyl

The artwork is available for sale



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No.gobbLg2411_.+ o3 gobbLg2411_. o4 + No.bbobbLg1811

Material : Vinyl, AIR.

The artwork is available for sale




No.: gbbL2205

Dimensions: cm. 39 (H) °— 39 (W) °— 13 (D) °

Material : Vinyl, AIR.

The artwork is available for sale



© 2030 by No Name Collective V World

Cultural Art Project

started in London in 2017


Service for Artists : Virtual Gallery, Annual Challenge, Magazine, Virtual Exhibition, 

Virtual Art Fair, scouting.

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Innovative collective art project operating in the UK and EU.

Objectives: Research on social networks, virtual galleries, and magazines. Examination of the use of fakes in art, exploration of emerging artists, artificial intelligence, relationships between the art of developed and developing countries, NFT and Crypto art, virtual reality, and support for artists worldwide.

Legal, marketing, and tax office: Operating in Europe. For inquiries, please contact

BORN IN LONDON IN 2016 | Established in Europe after Brexit.

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Business EU :  NNC VWORLD Gallery and Magazine, The Secret Room, 100PhotographyArtMag are special artist-managed projects by VW PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, MARKETING AND CONSULTING, EU from 2017, BUY Affordable art and LET BUY ART! are projects managed by VW PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, MARKETING AND CONSULTING From 2022

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